Fall 2024

Daily Devotional: Wednesday, May 15 - Glory

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” — Romans 1:20

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On June 15, 1994, the headline of the New York Daily News captured it all in one word: “GLORY.”

Led by Mark Messier, the New York Rangers had delivered a Stanley Cup victory for the first time since 1940. Rangers fans —  young and old, from New York and beyond — erupted in celebration. Kids were taken out of school while their parents skipped work to attend the victory parade, and Messier is revered in New York to this day.

The Bible tells us that all people will worship something, and that “something” is whatever we find most glorious. For many in 1994, it was Messier and his Rangers. It could be your favorite sports team or your favorite celebrity, or something else entirely. But God made us to worship Him; He is infinitely more glorious than anything in His created world and the only One worthy of praise.

Due to the entrance of sin into the world with Adam and Eve, our worship has been distorted. Although every person has an innate sense of the divine and sees God’s glory throughout the created world, some don’t realize that it comes from Him. In fact, the Bible says they’ve even suppressed that truth. They chase the glory of lesser things rather than the One whose glory is matchless and eternal.

When athletes give glory to God, they’re recognizing that whatever athletic achievement they just accomplished is a derivative of and a far cry from the glory of God. “Don’t worship me,” they’re saying, “worship God. He is worthy.”

It’s OK to cheer passionately for your favorite team, or get an autograph from a celebrity. But don’t let this messed-up world blind you to Who is worthy of worship, Who alone is truly glorious.

— Kevin Mercer

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