Spring 2025

Football Sunday 2018: Malcolm Jenkins on Serving Others

Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins has helped lead his team to the doorstep of Super Bowl LII as the Eagles will host the Minnesota Vikings in the NFC Championship Game. Jenkins has also been nominated by the Eagles for the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award, given for outstanding community service activities off the field as well as excellence on the field.

He’s featured in the upcoming video “Football Sunday 2018” where he talked about how his faith in Jesus Christ has inspired him to serve others.

“There’s not way you can live a Christlike life and not serve in some capacity. When you look at Jesus’ life in the Bible, that’s all His life was: service. His whole purpose in coming to this Earth was to die for us, not to fulfill some dream that He had. I think service is at the root of a Christlike life. One of the ways we share the Gospel is not just by speaking it, but by showing that Christlike manner through service, especially to people who don’t deserve it, aren’t seeking it, or aren’t expecting it.”


For more on what Malcolm Jenkins has to say about serving, and to learn about Football Sunday, go to www.FootballSunday.com.

Related links:
Football Sunday 2018: Seek, Surrender, Serve
Football Sunday 2018: Josh McCown on Serving
– Football Sunday 2018: Demario Davis on Seeking God
Download the Football Sunday edition of Sports Spectrum Magazine
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