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THE INCREASE: Know What You Believe - Steven Souza

This past season our team Bible study group went through a book called “Grounded in Faith” by Ken Erisman. This was one of the coolest workbooks I had ever picked up. It essentially took us through questions someone might have regarding what you believe about God and why.

Now, when it comes to Bible studies, I’m usually not a workbook type of guy. I prefer to go straight to the Bible to study what God teaches us from His Word, so I was a little skeptical about starting this with the guys. But this book was really unique in the fact that it explained our doctrine of faith in very explicit and digestible ways. For instance, Chapter 1 asked the question, “What does it mean to be justified by the Lord?”

These topics were really good for me to study because I know what I believe, but oftentimes I find I can’t explain these tough aspects of our faith clearly to others. In order for anyone to be knowledgeable about any subject, they must be able to explain it to someone else in layman’s terms. This book covered other subjects such as: what salvation means and if you can lose your salvation in Christ, if Jesus is real and how we know. Every answer was taken straight from God’s Word so we can be better equipped to give a reason for the faith we have in Christ.

This type of simple and straightforward theology was really incredible to go through. The book talked about the historical evidence of the Bible, which far outweighs any other historical evidence of its time! These truths made me realize how much I need to know God’s Word, not just for my own growth, but for others’ growth as well. I believe that if everyone knew the truths about God’s Word, where it came from, how much evidence we have to back it up, and then let the truths within take root in their hearts, no one would be able to turn away from God! If I’m a Christ-follower, but I’m not doing all I can to share the truth of God’s powerful Word with others, I’m doing an injustice to the Author.

Discovering more truths about God’s Word doesn’t only give me more head knowledge, it produces in me a thirst to know and experience more of the Author, as well as share those truths with others. I want to know His heart, His mind and His character. With the gift of Scripture at our fingertips, we have no excuse but to pursue Him more. When we do, our lives will be radically transformed.

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” — 1 Peter 3:15

Steven Souza

Steven Souza is a right fielder for the Tampa Bay Rays and a regular contributor of The Increase, providing monthly articles and opinions.

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