Fall 2024

Daily Devotional: Thursday, March 3 - Serve Where He Has You

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'” — Matthew 25:40

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My youngest son is an early riser, and I mean early. It’s not unusual for him to wake up before 6 a.m. ready to go for the day. Just as grown men and women like to start their day with coffee, my little guy likes to start his day with chocolate milk. Some days I’m already up and moving, so the early-morning request is no big deal. Other days, I’m craving just a few more minutes of peace and quiet, and that 6 a.m. call for his “kid coffee” is an unwelcome request.

Enter the transforming Word of God. One morning as I was trying to motivate myself to get up and make my little guy’s chocolate milk, a Bible verse came to mind. In my tired haze, I don’t fully remember if it was the “cup of cold water in My name” verse (Matthew 10:42) or some version of the “least of these” scriptures (Matthew 25:40-45). Maybe a mixture of both.

But I realized right there in my own home: I have the opportunity to minister to someone in need. My little guy is not quite strong enough to pour from the gallon jug of milk without a major spill. He’s little, and at this stage in his life, he needs my help. He was thirsty.

Can I admit that a lot of times I get off focus? I think about serving God in some “special” way, completely missing the mark. I need God’s Word to remind me that He is calling me to serve each day right where He has me. In God’s economy, can it be that a cup of chocolate milk made at 6 a.m. with a heart of love is an act of worship and service to Jesus? From Matthew 25, I think so.

I have to pause and ask God to forgive me for being like those Pharisees wanting to stand in the best places. Instead, by His help, I want a heart that will quietly and joyfully serve where God has me, and eyes that are open to the needs around me — needs for which the Holy Spirit whispers, “You can serve Me here.”

— Rachel Gibbons

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