Fall 2024

Devotional of the Week: New Beginning

adam-loewen1-590x332“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Starting over is tough. I’ve had to do it several times in my adult life. With it comes learning new people, fear, uncertainty, etc.

It’s not always something we do with excitement, but sometimes it is. The story of Adam Loewen is one of those stories about starting over. He was a Major League Baseball pitcher and a high draft pick with the Baltimore Orioles. He made it to the big leagues with Baltimore, but then injuries kept sidetracking him. He eventually decided to switch positions and sign with a new team—the Toronto Blue Jays, the team he pulled for while growing up in Canada.

For Loewen, it was an exciting time. The most exciting thing, though, was that Loewen remained steadfast and knew God was in control.

“God is always teaching me patience,” said Loewen. “I think my faith gets stronger when I put my defenses down and turn everything to Him. That’s something I struggle with—turning everything to Him when I’m in a place of weakness. Every day, He teaches me to trust in Him.”

For us as believers, that is one constant we can always have faith in—that God is there, knows what we’re going through and is completely sovereign in our circumstances.

By Brett Honeycutt

This devotional was taken from our quarterly Training Table, a 13-week devotional in each of our print issues. To access our most recent Training Table, click HERE. To subscribe to Sports Spectrum, click HERE