Fall 2024

Daily Devotional - Tuesday August 8, 2017

The Little Things

“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.” – Luke 16:10

In sports, the athletes who get the most recognition are the ones who score the most points, hit the most home runs and throw for the most touchdown passes.

I love watching when a guy scores 60 points in a game or throws 7 touchdown passes or hits 4 home runs. It’s awesome.

But to me, sports, very much like life, is about the little things. Those tiny, little, moments where you may not get all the accolades, or even see your name in the box score, but you might make that key block in a football game or hit that ground ball to move the runner over from 2nd to 3rd. Even a hug between former teammates before a game can mean the world to those players.

The little things matter in sports.
They also matter in life.

As you go about your week, and you go through the motions of each day, stop for a moment and savor the little things.

Enjoy the simple chirp of a bird, the quiet moment of rest, the person holding the door open for you, the smell of bacon (oh, Bacon, how I love you!) and even that screaming baby.

Cherish them.

Embrace them.

And above all, enjoy the still, small voice that continues to remind us each day how much we’re loved and valued by our Creator.

Jason Romano